Web Quality - Readability
Proper use of fonts and colors will make your website easier to
Mind the color contrasts
Black text on a white background, or white text on a black background, is best for people with viewing disabilities,
and for display on bad equipment.
Grey text on a light background can give a poor contrast:
Grey text on a white background (#EEEEEE) |
Grey text on a white background (#CCCCCC) |
Grey text on a white background (#AAAAAA) |
Grey text on a white background (#888888) |
Grey text on a white background (#666666) |
Grey text on a white background (#444444) |
Grey text on a white background (#222222) |
Grey text on a white background (#111111) |
Grey text on a dark background can also give a poor contrast:
Grey text on a black background (#222222) |
Grey text on a black background (#444444) |
Grey text on a black background (#666666) |
Grey text on a black background (#888888) |
Grey text on a black background (#AAAAAA) |
Grey text on a black background (#CCCCCC) |
Grey text on a black background (#DDDDDD) |
Grey text on a black background (#EEEEEE) |
Some combinations - like black and red, black and blue, yellow and green -
always strain the eye:
Black text on a red background |
Black text on a blue background |
Yellow text on a green background |
And some combinations are not so bad:
Black text on a grey background |
Black text on a light blue |
Black text on antique white |
White text on dark blue |
Mind your letter spacing
Text with close letter spacing is difficult to read.
Text with extra letter spacing is easy to read.
Text with reduced letter spacing is difficult to read.
Mind your line spacing
Text with good line spacing
is easy to read
Text with reduced line spacing
is difficult to read
Avoid the fancy fonts
This font is easy to read....
This font is
difficult to read....
Speak less Italian
Normal fonts are easy to read.
Italic fonts are not so easy to read.